TA Daaaa.... The dirty deed is done. Brad Davidson is officially RETIRED. There have been a couple of retirement diners, some thoughtful gifts received and I've passed most of the most stressful parts of my job off to my co-workers. (Sorry to have to do that to them.) So it would probably be bad form to go in on Monday and yell "APRIL FOOLS!!".
It's now all about the business of figuring out how to actually retire. Being an engineer, I find it important to document the process so that as I make mistakes along the way, I don't repeat them. Like any good engineering report, this Blog will be awesomely boring to everyone except the writer and perhaps close family, who are obligated to read it and make kindly comment as the are thinking, "Sheeessss.... I hope I don't do that to my kids when I get old."
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So anyway, lets get the writing writing conventions out of the way. Since this will be OUR (Val's and Brad's) blog, when I'm (Brad) doing the writing for the day, the header line will be "BD".
If it's Val, it will lead off with "VD". (I didn't pick her name, so don't blame me for the initials.) Since we have distinctly different perspectives about life, the lead-in initials probably aren't really that necessary.
Also, since I (BD) will be officially (or at least mentally) retired when we actually open this blog for public perusal, I will have no obligation to spell or punctuate correctly, use proper grammar, post in a timely manner, or do anything else for that matter, (except shave I'm told). VD however will always be prim and proper, considerate of others and remember everyone's birthday regardless of how far out in the boondocks we may be.
Finally, the purpose of this blog will be to chronicle the exploits of the Davidson elders as they prepare for and thence meander from place to place post retirement. It may be particularly helpful such that if the narrative suddenly stops, it will be like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the place in the wilderness where we've gotten the Funmobile hung up on a log or bogged down in a mudhole.
However, weep not, and don't count your inheritance, as we all know that VD (aka Val/Mom/Grandma) NEVER travels without at least a couple of hundred thousand calories of sustenance tucked away in the nooks and crannies. So I should be able to last about 100 days (50 if I share).
However, weep not, and don't count your inheritance, as we all know that VD (aka Val/Mom/Grandma) NEVER travels without at least a couple of hundred thousand calories of sustenance tucked away in the nooks and crannies. So I should be able to last about 100 days (50 if I share).
Enough for now. Assuming I can figure out how to get back to the editing page of this blog, we will continue with cataloging the process of preparing for the first BIG TRIP and the years beyond.
Happy First Weekend of Retirement! I hope it was everything you've dreamed of. Next weekend will be everything else: mowing lawn, window washing, basement straightening, etc. Can't wait to read all the adventures! (Hopefully with fewer tow trucks.)