So here we are at the end of day 1 of the rest of our lives. And a glorious day it was. Up at the crack of dawn trying to think of all of those things that we obviously missed last night when we decided "we have it all!!" Grabbed another couple of hundred lbs and stuffed it into the unused nooks and crannies. Time of departure at precisely 0900 as per long established Davidson protocol.

0915 hrs - 5.0 miles - Second stop - SPEEDWAY GAS. OMG!!! Who woulda thunk. By my estimate we'll run out of cash somewhere between Peoria and Springfield.

CG completely empty except for the CG Host who appears to be a cross between Freddy and "The Scream", although very friendly. (Please take note of the last dot on the Everytrail Tracker. If there isn't another one there by about 10 am Thursday.....)
For anyone inclined to need to know where we are at every second, go to www.everytrail.com and type davidso1 into the search box. You'll need to navigate to our list of trips and pick the one at the top of the list. Should be the most recent segment. There are still some technical challenges to getting it to display on this blog, but I should have it figured out by the time we get home.
That's it for today. Don't expect too much for Thurdsay. Crossing Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. Not a lot of photo ops.

Good Night
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