Nothing terribly exciting took place on this final leg and there were only a limited number of occurrences worthy of snarky comments. (However, I will not let them pass.)
The last post left us over-nighting at Voyager Provincial Park just west of Ottawa Ontario. Contrary to my preconceived prejudices, Quebec had turned out to be an enjoyable cultural experience and has even led me to explore the early history of the French presence in eastern Canada.
Moving into Ontario did however bring the comfort of being able to read the road signs a bit better. And the feel of the countryside became more like "home", but with a certain frontier outpost sort of feel. The run to Sault Saint Marie, (with an overnight in Sudbury Ontario), was a day and a half at our typically slow pace and the scenery, while not dramatic, was still pleasant. A lot of woodlands and clear blue sky and lakes,
Sault Saint Marie Crossing |

had very little to declare at customs so we were on our way to Pictured Rocks National Seashore without further ado.
Now I have to say coming "home" via the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a little like coming home via Kazakstan. Da Yoo-Pers, (as they refer to themselves), do speak a form of English in the presence of foreigners, (Fudgies). I suspect however that in our absence, conversation is a series of grunts and growls interspersed with adopted words like "beer" and "fish", preceded by dem and de and always proceeded by Eh!, They eat things like Cudighi and Pastys and have Quill Pigs for pets.
A day at Pictured Rocks and a 28 mile bike ride (up hill both ways) in Minoqua, WI literally finished us off. Head for home and the fun of cleaning out the Funmobile after 31 days and 5,964 miles.
Bear Skin Bike Trail Minoqua WI |
I always feel a little guilty about babbling along about our trips but we enjoy sharing our experiences and thoughts. It's not high adventure, but it is now a major part of our lives.
Love You All
Brad & Valerie
Good Night From Downers Grove