Sunday, September 1, 2013

From France To Norway

Can Moose Swim?
Labor Day weekend of Saturday and Sunday found us moving inland from Tadoussac through Saguenay National Park.  This large waterway stretching some 70 - 80 miles from the St Lawrence into the interior of Quebec Provence is technically a fjord.  Although puny by comparison to the fjords experienced by the Lichon family on their recent Scandinavian trip, it never-the-less was magnificent with crystal clear blue water, endless forests and towering cliffs.


It's OK Hon.  I PROMISE not to
jump up and down on the bridge.

Ha Ha  - Kings X
Are We Still Friends?

Guess who found the only snake
in Canada?

For our last venture into the wilds of Quebec "we" chose a trail leading from Riviere du Enternity out around the headland figuring there would probably be a nice view of the fjord.  The map showed it following very close to the shore so a lot of nice places to dunk you feet in the water.
The trail follows the estuary for the first couple of km.

Then starts to climb to 180 meters

Then to 280 meters

Then to 380 meters.

Turns out the trail was probably only 40-50 feet in from the shore most of the time, but your legs would need to be 1,000 feet long to dip you toes in the fjord.

Ran out of time, so back down the hill.

 By mid-day we made if back to the St Lawrence and began the quest for overnight stop.

Good night from Saguenay

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