Thursday, March 6, 2014


This post is mostly for the family of Helen A (Mom-Mom) Davidson, who made her final journey to rest beside her husband, Ernest A (Pop-Pop) Davidson in Arlington National Cemetery.

The morning was sunny and cool when we arrived at Arlington at 9:15 am on Thursday 6 March 2014.  Whisking through the main gate on our perpetual pass, (thank you Pop-Pop), we were met by our civilian guide and our Army Chaplain at the administration center. As they walked us through the preliminaries they were extremely warm and kind but with the military precision you would expect.

The Family "Grieving Room".

With Mom-Mom's passing having been almost a year ago, we are all beyond the grieving and more about the remembrances of not only her life, but of this same event we experienced a couple of years ago with Pop-Pop.

From the Admin Center we follow the guide's official vehicle to Pop-Pop's grave site where she will rest.

Past row after row of those who have gone before and who have been recognized for their service to their country.  Not only service members, but their spouses as well, who sacrificed as much, or oftentimes even more.

The service is short, with the Chaplain delivering a personalized eulogy recognizing Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's long marriage, her contributions to her family, her friends, her husband and her country.  

Although the air is bitingly cold, the over-riding atmosphere is almost one of warmth.  It is calm and the sun is bright and everything is as it should be.

Rest In Peace Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop

Good Night to all From Arlington

Brad & Val


  1. I think the snow and cold makes a nice contrast to the last trip to Arlington. Thank you for braving the weather to undertake this task. I hope you have smooth sailing for the rest of the days!

  2. Thanks Mom and Dad. It looked like a beautiful day.
