Sunday, May 5, 2013

I'm Retired For Real - Honest - Off To ......... (someplace)

Ok, nobody believed me last year, so why should you believe me this time?  Well, because I  went into my office on a Saturday a few weeks back after being away from work for the week and my office door nameplate had been replaced with "Dianna XXXXX".

Either they thought I'd had a sex change operation while I was out, or the "end is nigh".  Anyway, I'm now a cubicle rat.  The view is nowhere near as god, but reading Dilbert is decidedly more relevant.

I'm actually OK with that because now nobody calls me complaining about their computer except of course Valerie, the human atom smasher.  She doesn't pay as well, but the fringes are better.

It also means that we can just jump in the Funmobile and wizz off to wherever strikes our fancy whenever we want, (as we just did this morning).

Which brings us to our current trip.  We have no plan, other than to get tucked in behind this weather front and follow it south, then eastwards to wherever it's reasonably warm and not raining.  So tonight we're at Ferne Clyffe State Park, (they don't spell too good down here), a few miles south of Marion Illinois.


And it's rainy and cool.  So much for the non-plan.  Although, the local "periodic waterfall" is in full glory.  Not exactly Yosemite, but very nice none-the-less.  (Notice VD in full winter regalia.)

The overall plan (below) was just decided upon last night at about 10 pm.

 Tomorrow, weather cooperating, is a biking day.  Tunnel Hill State Trail is a few miles to the east.  Forty-five miles one way so probably won't do it all tomorrow.

Who knows what tomorrow brings....

Anyway, for anyone who's following, (and especially for Jim) I can absolutely say that retirement has been a really good thing now that we're REALLY retired.

Hopefully we will actually have something interesting for future posts.

Good night to all from Ferne Gully Clyffes.


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