Saturday, May 4, 2013

Total Slacker

Somewhere back when we started this blog I committed to recording the process of "retirement".  I also disclaimed any responsibility for being consistent, accurate, timely, etc.  I'm here today to report that l am holding true to that commitment, (the lack of responsibility part).  Since the last post almost a year ago, much has happened.  An abbreviated, sequential summary follows:

Summer 2012 Trip

  •    "Ok- everybody load up, we're off to Portland via Paulina Lake Fish Camp."
  •    "DOMINIC!   Quit poking your sister or this trip is over"
  •    "Awesome  dinosaur bones"
  •    "DOMINIC!  Quit cuttin' the rubarb with that Samari sword"
  •    "Now all you guys get to fly back to Chicago while we have a quiet drive"
  •    "So, is North Dakota REALLY as wide as Texas?"

Fall 2012 Trip

  •    "Yes Love, we're headed to Delaware to visit my relatives you've never met. (I haven't either.)
  •    "Awesome cavalry sword"
  •    "Off to Tybee"
  •    "A quilt shop in Gatlinburg Tn???"

Winter 2012/13  -  "UGH.  Chicago winters $!&&*#%

Spring 2013   -   "She had a really good life." RIP Mom Mom

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