Monday, July 7, 2014

We've ARRIVED!! (Another 3-day post)

We covered some ground the past three days going from Dawson City across the Top of the World Highway then crossing the border at Poker Creek Alaska.  then on to Chicken, Tok, North Pole and finally arriving at Fairanks.

Sat 7/5  -  Hung out a second day in Dawson shopping, gassing up, taking on water.  Took a hike in the afternoon along the banks of the Yukon river to the "stern wheeler graveyard" where the hulks of several of the 1890's vintage vessels were abandoned after the were no longer needed to serve the gold rush.

What's left of the stern wheeler Julia B.

Sunday (7/6) morning we set off bright and early, (Honest!   It was about 7 am), for the Top of the World Highway.  Although not particularly high in elevation, (a bit over 6,000 ft),  you were above the tree line and the valley floor was some 4,000 feet below.  For almost 75 miles, the gravel road mostly follows the ridge line with sweeping views of the surrounding wilderness.  The photo's don't do it justice.

This was the last chance for her to take the money and run.

US/Canada Border Crossing

Not sure WHO you had to P-Off to get this customs posting.

Finally  -  Civilization
The Chicken Gold Dredge
She would'a dumped me for the guy
with the GOLD
(Except for the beard)

Moon Lake CG near Tok Alaska.
(about 10:30 pm on a cloudy night)

Monday 7/7  -  On the final leg to Fairbanks.  The Wrangle Mountains in a distance and four moose before lunch.  Passed through North Pole Alaska, but no photos as Santa was in Cabo on vacation.

Made Fairbanks by mid-day.  Laying up in a Holiday Inn tonight to do the blog and figure out how to kill a few days until our Denali reservations on next Sunday.

Good night from Fairbanks.

Brad & Val


  1. Huh. That IS a chicken at the gold dredge.

    As for ways to kill time, apparently you can go wild blueberry picking near there. However the site had this advice: "Keep in mind that many berries are eaten by animals that don’t like people in their territory." Um, yeah. Getting mauled by a bear while berry picking is NOT a problem in my backyard :)

  2. Wow, amazing!!!!! Can't wait to see more pics!

  3. All of these photos are spectacular. What a country. I love reading your blog! Looking forward to the next post. ~~Marcy

  4. Did I read the post correctly... "Chicken" is "civilization"... hmmm... you need to come back to Chicago!
