Saturday, September 3, 2016

Day 2 Quilts,Quilts and More Quilts

Defying all reason, in Lincoln Nebraska there is a 3-story $19 million building whose sole purpose is to study, preserve, archive and display some 6,000 quilts and quilt-like art gathered from all over the world.  (And of course Valerie found it.)

So anyway, the first part of the day was spent wandering the halls of this actually pretty interesting collection.  (I will deny ever saying that to my more "manly" type friends and acquaintances.)

First stop - Quilts of Western China Indigenous Folks
Then Quilts as Pure Art

Small "Quilts" Memorializing The 9-11 Fallen

A Workshop (Sweatshop?)


Again skipping over the next 400 miles of Nebraska we enter eastern Colorado, which other than being "Colorado" and not Nebraska, doesn't have a lot going for it either. It's amazing what one may endure in search of some good scenery.
Isn't that right overhead where we're stopping tonight??

A short anecdote re RV'ing around America.  You sometimes need to put all pretenses aside.  While the National Parks and Forests provide some striking settings for your expansive RV site, while you watch the sun rise and/or set over the desert, see wildlife small and large steel your dinner, and smell the evergreens and forest meadows.......  Sterling Colorado RV campgrounds DO NOT.  The small, privately owned, just off the interstate, migrant tourist sites you need to use as you cross the central US are often a bit trashy, with the sights tending more towards the backside of your neighbors RV (if you're lucky), and the smells more of the livestock variety.

The restrooms and showers can be an adventure in their own right.  i.e. of tonight's showers, the first had no faucet handles, another had only one (cold of course), but the 3rd was "jussssst rightttt".

But that's OK 'cause there's a mountain just over the horizon.

Good night from Sterling Colorado

Brad and Val

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