Sunday, October 2, 2016

Arizona or Bust

Left Snow Canyon UT on Saturday morning heading east to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Actually only about 4 hrs total from Snow Canyon, the Rim is the only stop at the end of a 45 mile drive down Rt 67 in Arizona.  A beautiful drive through high (8,500 ft) meadows surrounded by spruce and aspen which was just a little past full color.

After getting in to our campsite we had lunch and hiked the 4-mile Transept Canyon Trail which follows the rim of a side canyon of that name, to Bright Angel Point.  Impressive to say the least.

We could only get one night at the campground, and the nearest alternative was at the other end of the 45 mile drive in, so we decided to head on to Lake Powell at Page UT where we would reconnoiter for the upcoming family houseboat outing next summer.

But not before stopping for Val to smooch another random guy.

This guy was REALLY hairy.
If I don't shave every day, I don't get any hugs!

The road to Page is one we've been on several times in the past and is on of our favorites following a long line of "Vermilion Cliffs" stretching to the horizon.

Made it to Page by mid-afternoon.  It was perfect weather, mid 70's with a light breeze so we decided to just sit outside, read a book and watch the sun go down.

So ends the day at Lake Powell AZ/UT (I can throw a stone into Utah.)

Goodnight from Brad and Val

PS - You may recall from a previous year's trip post about this area, it is impossible to know the correct time.
  (1) Utah observes daylight savings time.
  (2) Arizona does not.
  (3) EXCEPT Indian reservations in both states do.

And since from where I sit, a 15 minute drive can take you to Utah, Arizona AND and the Navajo Reservation, who the heck knows what time it is.  (An who the heck cares....)


  1. Love reading these updates about your journeys!! The pics are amazing!! Looks like so many places that I would take my bike to explore. ;-)

    - Christine Hearne

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