Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Last Leg Home


We reluctantly wake up Wednesday morning knowing that it's time to become responsible adults and return home to friends and family who couldn't be with us on this really great trip.  However, not to fear, because we will be able to enthrall them endlessly with over 850 pictures of pretty much everything we saw.

Wind Turbines Provide Some Amusement
You may notice on the above map that there are very few pretty dark green parts on this 1,061 mile trek across Kansas, more Kansas, the last of Kansas, some of Missouri, and Illinois.  That's because the dark green parts are mountains and forests and parks and such.  There is NONE of that on this route.  In fact, if stood on top of the Funmobile, in Clayton NM, I could probably see the top of the Sears Tower.

Out of shear desperation, we decide to avoid Interstate highways as much as humanly possible on the way back.   As a reward for our perseverance, on some narrow county road north of Hardin, MO, we encountered the most excellent pieces of yard art since the gas pump museum south of Taos.

In case You Haven't Figured It Out
Our spirits buoyed by this experience and with hopes of yet other gems to be found on the back roads of Illinois...

Good Night From Downers Grove


  1. The guy on the other side of the road should have a giant soybean! Seems only fair.
