Monday, May 6, 2013

A Tromp In The Swamp

We have found that in the Funmobile, when you roll one eyelid back in the morning, and the weather is dreary, the response is frequently to simply roll over and go back to sleep.  Today was just such a day .... and brunch was just wonderful.

To avoid biking in the rain, we decided that walking in the rain would be much more pleasant.  And what could be better than walking in the rain, except maybe walking in the rain in a swamp.  So off we went.

Now you might think that such an activity would be pretty boring.  (And you would be right as there are no alligators or Burmese pythons in Illinois swanps.)  But a swamp can be very scenic, and the feeling of solitude, (since nobody is around because its pretty boring), can be quite relaxing.  And where else could you see the Illinois Champion Cherry Bark Oak tree.  (It WAS pretty big.) 

Also a whole lot of Cypress trees.  I expected to see Johnny Weismuller come waterskiing through the trees at any moment.  (Hope readers {if there are any} are old enough that I don't have to explain my stupid jokes.) 

[{(( I think I use brackets too much))}]

As a side note - Sorry about the quality of the photos.  I can only transfer from my cell to the blog site since I left cable behind.  (But I do have every other possible cable in here somewhere.)

Finally for the day, I got an email from where I worked, (they haven't taken me off the corporate mail list yet), notifying everyone of a major organizational change.  The last time I was gone for a while, they changed the nameplate on my office.  This time, among other things, they reassigned my job.  Guess I'll REALLY have to retire now.

OK Val, you can stop clapping.



  1. Congratulations on your retirement (finally) Dad!!! It looks like you will enjoy every minute :)

  2. What's wrong with rain? A swamp seems like a very good place to lose the old workin' stiff days. Enjoy every minute!
