Saturday, May 11, 2013

So Why Would Anyone Go To Chattanooga For Vacation

A valid question.  I suppose most people would say "what the hey?", I can't even spell the place, so why go there?  The answer for us is that we've spent almost all of our vacations over the past 40 years focused on the BIG National Park destinations, Disney, family reunions, etc.  To be sure we like to explore nooks and crannys along the way, but getting there was the "objective".

Real retirement (no laughing please) means a vacation doesn't need an objective.  You leave on the spur of the moment, go in whatever direction you're inclined to, and return ... maybe.  This trip is all about that. 

Chattanooga wasn't even on the last minute itinerary.  We looked at the weather map a couple of days into the journey, figured we had never been there except on the way to/from Florida, so what the heck.

So this is day 4 in Chat and we haven't been dissappointed.  The Chicamagua bike ride was a gem and yesterday's hike up the canyon to the falls was really nice.  Since I finaly got around to replacing the lost cable for transferring pics from Mom's camers, below are some shots from the past few days.

If you sit one one place long enough nature
will enfold you into her arms.
I don't care how many small pieces you cut it
into, you CAN'T take it home.

The Water Moccasin From "5-Snake Day"

Same  ---  With Cannons

Chicamagua Battlefield

WAY Up High
 Today we were going to ride a natue park in the area, but changed our minds this morning for no good reason.  Instead we took another hike at Cloudland Canyon and it was truely spectacular.

Good Trekking Poles

Not Glacier spectacular or Zion or Yosemite.  But the Cloudland Canyon from the West Rim Trail was as picturesque as you could ever ask for.  A subdued grandeur with rock bluffs with layres of spring green trees.  Purple rhodedendrum in full bloom scattered through the landscape and other equally beautiful, unidentifiable flowers as well.  (And no snakes.)
Happy Mothers Day Boquet

It's late afternoon and we're sitting out the scattered thunderstorms back at the campground.  Mom's reading a book big enough to be the Encyclopedia Britannica condensed to one volume.  And I scored a success in fixing the inverter that has been OOC for most of the trip.  (On/Off button thing.)

The plan for tomorrow .... I haven't the foggiest idea.

Gotta go.  Time for me to make Thursday night eggs.  (Except I think it's Saturday.)  Like I said, no plan.

1 comment:

  1. > Time for me to make Thursday night eggs.
    > (Except I think it's Saturday.)

    I think this is truly retirement.
