Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 2 Acadia

Carriage/Bike Trail Bridge
Up an at-em at 10 am.  (Come-on!  I'm retired and on vacation!)  Today's plan was to explore the
Carriage Roads that spider-web Acadia Park.  Originally built by JD Rockefeller Jr in the
mid0-20's, they were intended to allow for restricted use horse and carriage routes not to be
disturbed by them-thar new-fangled auto-mobile thingies. (Or the peasants probably.  Nice to own
your own island.)  They're now converted to bike/hike trails for the masses. (Ha-Ha  Joke's on JDR)

Abandoned Bikes And Hiked - (Foggy)
Biked for a while but soon learned that horses apparently can comfortably navigate much steeper
grades than I feel like doing.  (Ha-Ha Joke's on me.)  So after a while, we locked up the bikes and hiked down a steep rocky trail to the lake for a picnic lunch.  Unlike the Rockefellers, we had tuna and crackers rather than caviar, crumpets and champagne.  Close, but not the same.

Caviar Lunch

After the bike/hike/low-brow lunch, headed off to a second island in the park where we would be
An Orchid Among The Roses
camping for the night.  First about an hour hike out to the end of a rocky point to watch the
waves crash against the rocky shore in the waning afternoon light.  Again, pretty awesome.

Back to camp for dinner and to type up the blog.  Still no connection, so continuing to stack um
up pending return to civilization, (Bar Harbor).

Good Night From Seawall Campground Acadia NP

1 comment:

  1. This place looks amazing. Love the fog and the bridge. Maybe you can find a horse to pull the bike.
