Friday, August 23, 2013

One If By Land .. Two If By Sea

On the afternoon of the 22 August we made our way from Fundy, east toward the historic site of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia.  The Cliff Notes version of the fortress town is as follows:

1.   1720's French King Louis XV builds fort to guard the last French harbor in Nova Scotia   and to get rich from the cod fishing.  (????)

2.  Fort terrifically designed by French to defend the town and harbor from invasion by sea.

3.   Not so well designed to defend from invasion by land.  (Plus guards were over worked.)

Pulled em right up this trail.
4.  1745  British land their canon here and roll them around to the above lightly defended (but well guarded) East Gate.

He Who dies With The Biggest ... (toys) ... Wins
5.   British take the Fort and the town from the French and send them all packing to Labrador or Newfoundland (or some other very cold place I can't remember).

At least they left the candelabra.

6.   Food quality and table manners suffer drastically.  Fish and chips and thin gruel.
($38 C plus tip.)

6.   1748  British give the place back to the French.  (How characteristically civil of the Brits).

Sassy French Chicken
7.   Frenchmen (and their sassy chickens) happily move back from Labrador.

Governor Lives Here

Normal folks live here
 (with their sassy chickens.)

8.  1758  Brits get P...'d off at the French about something and invade the Fort and town again.  (Same way as last time. You'd think the French would figure that out.)  Guess where the French went again?

9.   This time the Brits level the place to the ground.  Forts, houses, and all, (and ate the sassy French chickens).

10.  1960's  Fort and town reconstructed as a national historic site by Ron Boviard as result of lobbying by French Canadian interest groups.  Repopulated by French reinactors.

11.  2013 August 23  Invaded again.  This time by two Americans, (and again by land), who benevolently did not send the Frenchmen back to Labrador AGAIN.  (And we did NOT eat the sassy French chicken.)

Photos of the pretty little French (Li'chon) wench I found along the way.

Goodnight From Louisbourg

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