Saturday, April 5, 2014


The past three nights were at St Josephs Peninsula State Park just east of Panama City Fl.  I had a very spicy blog all prepared but was advised to "stick a pin in it".  So I sent it to Jessica who is the only person I know who would appreciate it.  Lets just say it involved:

    1.  A youth group of 30-40,

    2.  The camp site right next to ours,

    3.  A live amplified band.

The following are some shots that have nothing to do with the above.

7 1/2 Miles of Empty Beach Ahead.

6 Miles of Empty Beach Ahead

5 Miles of Empty Beach Ahead
(but who's counting)
Awesome Beach!!

You leave her unsupervised for FIVE minutes......

Have moved on (actually backtracked) to St Georges Island State Park for 2 nights.  Weather is very iffy but hope it holds up.  Monday we head for the barn.

Good night from quiet St Georges Island.

Brad & Val

1 comment:

  1. That beach looks like it was worth every moment of Louie, Louie with alternative lyrics :) Good luck with the weather and drive safe!
