Saturday, June 14, 2014

Today Minnesota .... Tomorrow the WORLD

This morning we departed DG precisely at 9 am, SDT (Standard Departure Time), destination ALASKA. The original plan was to go to Portland via the Black Hills, Devils Tower, and the Tetons.  However, on the Thursday night walk, “somebody” suggested we just keep on going to Alaska.  HUH?  So after the walk we drove to B&N and bought “The Milepost” ALCAN highway guide.  And I then had one day to plan a 9,000 mile road trip.

Turns out, that’s not too much of a problem since there are basically only 2 logical routes to Fairbanks, (endpoint of trip), so we take one on the way up and another on the way back.

 Today consisted of a spectacular run west from Chicago to Rockford, then up through central Wisconsin and a little ways across southern Minnesota.  Wildlife sightings consisted mostly of roadkill and a few bovines.  (Sorry, no pics.)

Excitement was limited to a realization that we only had one set of car keys with us, thus necessitating a stop at the Brenengen Chevrolet in West Salem WI.   Woulda'  been even more exciting if it had been 100 miles from the nearest town somewhere in the Yukon.  

I did however prove a long suspected theory by turning the driving over to Val is immediately followed by 20 miles of construction and another 1/2 hr of classic Minnesota torrential downpour.

We're now settled in for the night at Myre - Big Island State Park near Albert Lea MN.  Had dinner and opened my Father's Day Present early.  Great cards, virtual and hard-copy from kids and grand kids and some electronic gizmo with 18 cables sprouting from it which allegedly will spew forth many videos if I can figure out how to hook it up.

Good Night to All From Minnesota

Note – I never completed the blog posts from the Florida trip so blogging this trip might be a challenge.  However since the days are going to be 21 hours of daylight, I guess that might help.

Brad & Val

1 comment:

  1. Did you count the mileage to Barnes & Noble in this Alaska adventure? Here's hoping for some moose sightings on this trip!
