Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Making our way from Glacier up to Lake Louise/Jasper area in British Columbia.

I have to say we're practically getting run over by the wildlife (animal type).  Just  before crossing the border we bagged two moose.  (Vanessa - eat your heart out.

As we were climbing up into the Kootenay Mountains we rounded a bend and about 30 mountain goats were hauling butt down the center of the road.

After we had set up for the night at Readstreak Campground in the Kootenays, as I was sitting at the picnic table, there was a huge THUD as a golden eagle slammed into a ground squirrel less than 20 feet in front of me.  (No pics of that one).  Not sure I'm ready for the inevitable bear encounter if it's as up close and personal as that. 

View from the campground
Good Night from the Kootenays

Brad & Val


  1. Finally moose! If only you'd had Google Glass you could have caught the eagle attack.

  2. Breathtakingly beautiful! Glad the meese are cooperating on this trip : )

  3. HOOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sooooo exciting! Show me more! And get closer! =)

  4. C'mon. We finally see a moose and now we need pictures looking up moose nostrils?

    :) :)
