Friday, June 27, 2014

When Wild Animals ATTACK

While camped at Bear Lake in Crooked River Provincial Park last night, we got a site right on the lake.  Immediately after setting up, Val wanted to take the 20 yard walk down to the shore.  Since we were in the campground proper and just a short distance from the site, I didn't bother to take the bear spray.

Of course, Val is never the one to take a short walk if a longer one is available, so what was supposed to be short stroll turned into a mile or so down the lake shore.  Towards the end of the trail, I hear a "peep-peep-peep".  I scramble through some brush and spot a fledgling bird of some kind teetering on a log thrusting out into the lake.

I mover closer to see what it's all about and BAM!!!,  I'm mercilessness and viciously attacked..... by what appears to be some kind of seagull or tern.

OK..OK  that was a shameless teaser.  BUT it was vicious, I swear, and kept up for a couple of minutes.

Any way........

This is actually a 2-day post covering Jasper to Croooked River then on to Dawson City.  Other than the above, nothing spectacular happened.  

Three more bears Thursday and another two, (including our first grizzley), today.  All road bears.

Some more excellent scenery.

Including another nice set of falls.

Don't these British Colombians EVER GET IT.!

Last tourist stop being Chenwydth, the Chainsaw sculpture capital of the WORLD, with 85 life-sized sculptures of dragons, bears, eagles, hockey players, etc.  Pretty impressive actually.  The only thing I'd probably do with a chain saw is to remove my leg.


They must get really bored up here in the winter.

Tonight in Dawson Creek in a motel to get cleaned up for the next leg, which is the actual start of the Alaska Highway, (even though it's still in Canada).

Goodnight from Mile Zero

Brad & Val

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, watch those watery edges... Maybe that bird was trying to lure you in for the crocodiles. Wait, wrong trip.

    That "Killing Time" statue is just... I dunno. It might be worth strapping to the back of the FunMobile. You should get it now because somebody could snap it up before you get back that way on the return trip.
