Monday, July 21, 2014

Top Of The World

Spent another day in the Seward area to do laundry, restock and take a short walk at Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjord National Park.  The walk was so nice, we decided to stay another day to take a longer hike up to the Harding Ice Field.

The hike was not particularly long (only about 3.2 miles up to the end) but was pretty steep at 1,000 feet elevation per mile for the final 2.5 miles up).  The Harding Icefield is 300 square miles of ice and snow which is the source for over 40 glaciers in the National Park.  Sounded like a worth while effort.

 On the drive in we encountered a shy moose

"Oh No.  You saw me!"

"Now you can't see me."

"I ate my cover.  Gotta run."

The hike runs up the right side of the Exit Glacier

The toe of the glacier.

Just over the next ridge

Made It!

Wanna hear me yodel?

It looks like a Loonnnggg walk back down.

Just when I was feeling pretty good about our accomplishment, I read about the annual Seward Marathon.  400 runners run about the same distance and elevation gain as we did in 6 hours.  But they do it in 43 minutes!!!!  (Their race route is from about where this picture is taken, up the faint trail to the top of the mountain, and then back down.)

This one is for you Fran.

Good Night from Bird Creek Campground, Kenai Peninsula.

Brad & Val


  1. "Just over the next ridge"... I've heard THAT one before! But, it looks like you weren't fibbing this time!

    But, eew... look at all those tourists on your trail : )

  2. FORTY THREE MINUTES??!!?!? I think my lungs popped just thinking about that. Dang. I can barely do anything in 43 minutes these days. Wow!

