Friday, July 25, 2014

Travel Days

An uneventful several days.  Left Seward on Monday am headed for Anchorage and a Tuesday am rear brake job on the Funmobile.  (Probably shoulda had that done before we left Downers Grove.  Would have been a WHOLE lot cheaper.).

Wednesday, started the trek back to Downers (via a somewhat round-about route.  Went from Anchorage east to Glennallan AK then to Slana AK where we stayed at the Hart D Ranch..  Not a destination, just the only campgound  in the area.  Run by the widow of a professional trapper/hunter/Alaska adventure guide.  Has lived at (and run by herself) the ranch/lodge for 60 some years and just put it up for sale for $800,000 if anyone is interested.

Matanuska Glacier east of Anchorage

Looking for wildlife on a non-discript road near Slana AK

No wildlife, but all of a sudden this HUGE mountain pops
out of the clouds for just a few minutes.  Later determined
to be 16,000 ft Mt Sanford.

General scenery of the area.

Wednesday headed northwest from Slana towards Tok AK and then the Yukon via the ALCAN highway.  Along the way spotted a very nice bull moose.

After a brutal ride over about 40 miles of gravel (mud) highway reconstruction, turned south on the Haines Highway for an overnight at Kathleen Lake Yukon Territory
Evening hike along the lake shore.

Tomorrow, heading down to Haines Alaska.

Good Night from Kathleen Lake

Brad & Val


  1. Oh, boring travel days with monster moose and majestic mountains. Ho hum ;)

  2. Anyone who has traveled with you knows the "trek back to DG" will not resemble anything close to a straight line! Enjoy the "return" trip : )

  3. We feel your "pain" as we constantly trek back and forth from the Hawaii, surviving the storm and hoping to get out in between hurricanes!
