Monday, June 1, 2015

Rainbow III

1 June 2015

Monday 1 June 2015

After last night’s rainbow we anticipate a good day today as we set off for a couple of “in the wild” rock art sites and the Cleveland Loyd Dinosaur Quarry also out in the middle of nowhere.  The day is clear and warm which is not the best hiking weather, but assures no rain to turn the back roads to a quagmire.

The first site is the Molen Panel located about 6 paved miles out in the desert east of Moore (actually “less”) Utah.  Not particularly publicized but easy to find and a good stop in any case.

This sign says "CAUTION!  There's a snake THIS big living under this rock."

Then backtrack and about 8 dirt miles to the Rochester Panel, a better known, but still pretty obscure site due to it’s remoteness.

Rainbow III

Its mid day and warming up, and we head to the dinosaur quarry.  It’s an active quarry dino quarry project and interesting for what it is.  But for the 15 mile bumpy dirt ride, we’ve seen better sites.  

I think living out here in the hot sun affects some people in strange ways.
  (Or maybe I've got the cause and effect mixed up?)

What WAS perfect, was the camp site we found or the evening.  Just a small dirt side rode off the bigger dirt road, it led to a boulder alcove (full of jack rabbits) overlooking a wide expanse of rolling desert.  Not particularly dramatic, but it was ours, and ours alone.  I know people will snicker, but it must have been much as it was for the first pioneers 150 years earlier.

Good night from N39.33852°, W110.74149°

Brad and Val

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