Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mooooo…ving On

Friday 4 June 2015 

Nine Mile was the last major stop on the trip so it’s UP before dawn to get going back, BUT NOT because we’re in a hurry.  About 5 in the morning (est. as the alarm clock ((we never set the alarm)) broke a couple of weeks ago), I was rudely awaken with the rocking of the Funmobile, along with a huff of warm, moist and funky smelling air blowing my hair through the screen window just inches from my head.  (I thought it might be Val.)   I turn my head enough to come in intimate contact with a large, hairy, snotty nose pressed up against the screen. (It wasn't Val.)

It appears, for our 2nd night’s stray, we’d chosen a campsite that sits astride the path from the overnight cow pasture to the morning cow pasture, and thus the cows, (being curious creatures), felt obligated to lick, snort, bump, and generally explore all the interesting aspects of this strange new arrival to their world.

Checking out the other windows, there appeared another dozen or more inspecting the picnic table and butting over the folding chair left out last night.

Having had my morning kiss, it was time to move on.  We made one more 10 mile trip up the canyon to try and find the "Owl Panel" in Current Canyon.  Although we found several other small panels, the Owl was not to be. 

Disappointed, we leave Nine Mile and turn for home. 

One more stop, at Sego Canyon Petroglyphs Utah yields a particularly nice set of Pictographs and Petroglyphs.  A great finish for the trip, even without the Owl.

Oddly spooky.

From here, it’s a 2-3 day run for the barn on I-70 across Colorado and then I-80 through Nebraska and Iowa.  Val hates this part of t trip, not because Nebraska and Iowa don’t have a whole lot of scenery to offer, but because I STOP FOR NOTHING, once past Denver.

This is the final post for this trip barring something exciting, interesting, unusual, funny….. all of which are unlikely from this point to Downer Grove (knock on wood).

We enjoyed sharing parts of our trip with you all and see you soon.

Good night from North Sterling Reservoir SP, Sterling Colorado.

Brad and Val

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