Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 1 Lincoln

OK, this is going to be short.  Left six minutes late at 9:06 am.  (Had to go back in the house for coffee.)  Took the scenic route west to Nebraska (I-80).  Clear skies, moderate temps, and absolutely STUNNING cornfields.

I'll skip over the next 400 miles of exquisite scenery and get to the good stuff.  First stop the Great Wall of China.

Bet you didn't know it stretched that far.
Followed by the massive Tombs of Walmart.

Too Spooky to actually enter.

OK, that's it for Day 1.

Tomorrow - The International Quilt Museum and a couple of hundred more miles of central Nebraska I-80 to Ogallala..

Skip and Roberta...  Eat your hearts out.  But don't worry, I'm sure Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia will be nice too.

Good night from America's Heartland (or is it gall bladder?).
Brad & Val

1 comment:

  1. Oh oops. I saw the DeLorme tracker as 7:06, but that must've been MY time. Definitely slackers! Happy Nebraska-ing.
