On Friday the 8th, we drove about 30 miles into the South Steens Mountains Campground to set up for the expected arrival of Jess, Blaine and Scott late that afternoon.
On arrival at the CG, we were greeted by the sounds of a mule being attacked by a cougar (or that's what it sounded like anyway), at the nearby equestrian CG. Turns out, (as it recurred numerous times during the evening), that is just the sound mules make when they are hungry, bored, or maybe even actually being eaten by a cougar.
Anyway, we did all connect up that evening, traded stories of our travels, and went to bed as the temperatures dropped into the high 30's. (Glad Val and I don't sleep in tents anymore!!)
Up the next morning for what was promised to be about a 6 mile easy uphill into Big Indian Canyon. No special destination or dramatic scenery, just miles of pinion/juniper forest with a nice stream and expansive views of the surrounding countryside.
Not a Pokemon to be found! |
It was a nice hike, but contrary to Jessica's advertised description, it was actually 8.5 miles with 6 wet-foot stream crossings and in spite of the previous nights almost freezing temps, it reached the upper 80's by mid aftrernoon. A nice endurance test for their ageing parents.
But revenge is sweet as Val and I were again warm and cozy in spite of the again near freezing night temps.
Another nice (but a lot shorter) the next day. This time to a deserted ranch followed by a stream-side lunch, playing in hte puddles and taking a nap.
Oh, and an honorable mention to the trooper, Taluhla. She's as old as me and whined a lot less on the 8-mile march.
On Monday the 11th, Jess and Blaine stuffed themselves and their belongings into the Funmobile and after being trained in the Rules of the Road (1. Don't pile stuff in hte driver's seat, 2. Don't pile onything on the floor behind the driver's seat where I step to get out of the driver's seat and 3. DON'T break my Keurig) we headed west across a wide expanse of really deserted real estate destined for greener mountains.
Goodby from the Steens
Brad, Val, Jess, Blaine and Scott (and Talulah).
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