Sunday, April 22, 2012



Being a hpoeless gearhead, the past two days, we (actually I) have been immersed up to my dupa in all of the electronic gadgetry absolutely essential when venturing into the southwestern wilderness.

At last tally we've accumulated 1 laptop, 1 tablet, 2 smartphones, 1 dumbphone (VD's), 1 IPOD, 5 GPS devices, 3 digital cameras, 7 chargers and approximately 800 different cables and assorted adapters to hook them all together to form a neural network Spock himself would have been proud of.

A sub-specialty of this assemblage is GPS tracking.  As noted, we will have 5 different units.  (I'm leaving 3 others behind as they would be redundant.)  The objective being to have absolute certainty of our precise location, +/- 20 ft, 24/7, without ever having to read a road sign or even look out the window, or God forbid consult a paper map!!

In addition, the plan is for real-time tracking uploaded to a yet to be selected web service, so that all our family and friends can immediately determine that we are totally lost in spite of having enough technology to navigate to Alpha Centauri.

I NEED one of these!
AND... as an absolute last resort, we have the means to uplink an SOS to a satellite with an urgent request  for life sustaining essentials (i.e. chocolate, Fritos, Coke - no ice, etc.).

So all we need is one more trip to Radio Shack for a solar panel built into a baseball cap so we can keep all this stuff functional.  Ahhhh....  Living off the grid is going to be awesome.

Next entry will likely be from the road.


  1. > I'm leaving 3 others behind as they would be
    > redundant.

    We commend you for your self control. You still have room for the metal detector, right?

  2. In exactly 10 hours you will be on the road. That is assuming departure time is still 0900 hours prompt... even when in retirement mode. Happy Travels!
