Monday, April 2, 2012

The New Reality Takes Root


The Year 0000, Day 1, The First Monday, AR (ante-retirement).

The sun rose at 6:31 am, (I beat it by 1/2 hr like always), this the first business day of Retirement.  Slink out of bed so as not to get the evil eye from someone we all know.  Off to the coffee pot as always, the toaster - a new regimen, and the morning paper, usually Saturdays and Sundays only.

EXCEPT.....  I canceled it a few weeks back.  $780 bucks a year to be peppered with ads and "news" NOT designed to give you a perky smile to start the day.  So instead I fire up my, (VD's), trusty $800 tablet (plus $30/mo data package) to get just the news that tells me what I want to hear.  (I'm sure some of the family members catch the economic irony of it all).

By 8:30 I'm ready to start a new life of healthy habits and I'm off to the Y.  Guess who else is off to the Y at 8:30 am.  Every tuned in / toned up soccer mom (no disrespect intended Sarah P) who just unloaded the munchkins off at school, all of whom can out lift/run/stairmaster/treadmill me without breaking a sweat.

By 9:30, back at the house ready to take on the day of idle hours contemplating this, that and nothing.

THWAK!!  Smacked in the face by the wet towel of reality.  Cell phone rings, "my computer won't start up"... email jingles, "can you put together a report summarizing the last 5 year of raw material purchases?" .......

Off to the races.  It was the FINEST 3 hour retirement I've ever had.

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