Friday, May 4, 2012

Sand & Petroglyphs


Came down outta da hills today.  Had to stop at the CG dump station, (won't go into detail about that process) and got trapped by the campground host.  I've concluded that you could write a book just about the people who pull their RV's into a selected CG and take on the paid role of campground host for the season.  A truly colorful bunch, and each with a story to tell, (if they get you captive).  The more remote the CG the more interesting the host.

First stop White Sands National Monument.  (Immediately adjacent to White Sands Missile Range and periodically closed for that very reason.)  A wonderful combination of vivid color and the purist white sand you can imagine.  All set against a backdrop of rugged barren mount ranges.

Then headed up north of Alamogordo to Three rivers Petroglyph Site.

 Run by the Bureau of Land Management, it's an excellent collection of early Indian rock art.  Basically a dirt path though the rocks on top of a mesa in the middle of nowhere where you can get very up close an personal with the images.

Mostly big horn sheep, lizards, birds and other inhabitants of the desert.  Others were intricate designs thought to be of deep religious significance.  (I'm thinking a bit too much Mescal.

Picking through the rocks was a tad scary what with the reminder of the local caretaker that rattlers are commonly seen in the area.  But no, we saw nary a one.

From the site we headed further into the Sacramento foothills to a really great CG.  (See map above.)  Large site overlooking the Tularosa Basin below and White mountain Wilderness above.

Uh-OH. Just realized (with a reminder from the better half) that it is midnight.

                                      Good night All


  1. Where is your snake stick to tap against the rocks as you walk?

    As an aside, I can totally see you guys as CG hosts some day. After you get your metal detector.

    1. Snake stick?? - I thought that's what [VD] is for...

    2. Also, unwarranted comment about the CG host thing. And the metal detector? Not if I want to stay married.
