Sunday, June 22, 2014

Avalanche at Avalanche Creek

Just a teaser.  Didn't really have an avalanche.  But the road through the park is still closed due to Avalanche hazards.

We got an "early" start, (8:00 is early for us), and headed up the mountain 20 miles or so to Avalanche Creek Trail.  The road first runs along the shore of McDonald Lake with some pretty nice views.

Then on up the feeder "creek" that was running full tilt from snow melt and pretty well.

We were rubber-necking the whole way up, so by the time we arrived, there was literally only one parking spot left.  Since this is where the cross mountain road is closed, most available high country hiking and biking trails have to start from here.

 (I couldn't decide if I wanted to hike or just sit there and sell the spot to the highest bidder.)

I opted for fun over cash and headed up the trail.

Butterfly trying to steal my PB&J

The broken trees are from the avalanche that rolled through here, from up there, in 2011.
Hence the name of the trail.

All-In-All, A Pretty Darn Good Day

Good Night From Glacier Again

Brad & Val


  1. Glacier selfies! That top shot is picture-postcard perfect. Somebody needed to cannonball into the water :) Altho I bet it was coooold.

  2. Same "postcard" comment as in my house! Except D said you need to move the tree. Those trees are always blocking the view ; ) And I think I know of exactly one person that would cannonball into glacier water...
