Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Three Bears Before Lunch

Headed north again (as we will be for the next 3 weeks).  Destination Jasper Alberta via the Icefields Highway.

Got our usual early start (9:00 am) and withing an hour had seen three bears.  Black bears (one cinnamon cub) and no grizzlys yet.  By the end of the day we'd seen 6 more, plus an assortment of mountain goats..  All of the sightings were from the road, but it does make the hikes much more interesting.

The scenery along the way is nothing short of breath-taking.

We're settled in at a campground that is noted for the resident elk herd, which the range said has a number of calves.  You Tube is full of videos of elk that don't like tourists.

We're planning some hiking in the area tomorrow but it's raining right now, (about 9:30 pm).

Good Night from Whistler Campground, Jasper Alberta.


  1. Moose and eagles and bears... oh my!!!

  2. Epic! I'm sure Mom understands now why you needed to test the bear spray on her.
