Monday, June 16, 2014

Castle Trail - The Badlands

Badlands National Park is one of my favorites.  Probably because of the 1980’s visit on which we encountered a topless jogger on the Castle trial, (which we are hiking again today).  We have perfect hiking weather of high 70’s, light overcast and a moderate breeze.

Val just told me a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'm taking the hint and instead of boring you with dialog, here are several thousand words worth of pictures.


The scenery was awesome, and the Big Horn sheep were a special surprise.  Maybe not as good as the topless jogger, but all-in-all, not a bad day.

Good Night from the Badlands again.

Brad & Val


  1. Wow, there is so much greenery. Call it the Semi-Badlands, I guess :)

  2. Julia's comment is "What?!?!? That green is SO unfair!" I recall all of our past trips have been a little on the drier and hotter side!

  3. And I thought D & J were the ones that said "No more road trips with Grandma and Pop Pop :)
