Thursday, April 23, 2015

Big Bend To El Paso

A travel day today.  On the way we stopped at a local general store in Terlingua TX to fill up on fresh water.  The original plan was to take a local road along the Rio Grande from Terlingua to Presidio TX.  While filling the water tank and getting the life story of a local rancher who lives "a ways down that road", he allows that it's "real purty if ya like the desert" but that about half way along the 50 mile drive there's "the steepest dad-burn hill ya ever seed.".

So.... change of route cause he's driving one of those aforementioned Dodge RAM P/U's and I'm driving a sissy wagon. Nice guy though.

Oddly enough, the revised route takes us through Alpine Texas where, (Oh No, here comes another kinfolk story),  Great Uncle Higbee Davidson, (whose saber hangs upon our home wall), was stationed while he led Troop E of the 13th Cavalry through the hills and canyons chasing Mexican Bandidos and assorted nefarious gringos from 1908 to 1909.  I could almost picture him there.

A cottonwood at Fort Davis parade grounds

A final stop a few miles north of Alpine, at Fort Davis National Monument where once stood... Fort Davis??   From 1854 to 1891, the US (and for a couple of year the Confederate) Army chased essentially the same Mexican Bandidos and gringo bad-boys through the same hills and canyons.

Some things never change I guess.

Anyway, tonight is a hotel night in El Paso for a shower and to catch up on this blog.

Oh... and I almost forgot...

So that's all for now.  Tomorrow we enter New Mexico.

Good night From El Paso.

Brad and Val

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha on the quilt store. Out of curiosity, what was the "etc"?
