Sunday, April 26, 2015

Epiphany (lower case "E")

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") The term can imply any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.

Today was such an event.

On the way to our next stop west of Phoenix, we passed a sign, "Biosphere Two - 4 Miles".   I recall hearing the term in the early 90's when in my business, such things were just snickered at.  I always thought it was just a dozen or so old hippies who locked themselves into a geodesic dome for two years to prove you could do just that without eating each other.

So I thought it might be an interesting stop to look at the place where cannibalism became an environmentally acceptable hypothesis.  Being a bit single minded, I was amazed at what we found.

Tucked away in the desert hills 30 or so miles north of Tuscon is the facility when in 1992, eight men and women entered a large sealed structure where for two years, NOTHING would enter or leave except sunlight.  Called BIOSPHERE 2,  (earth being biosphere 1), it was intended to quantitatively study the balances of nature (water, air, vegetation, and life in general) in a completely sealed ecosystem.

Initial entry was through a space station type sealed door.  Once inside the inhabitants were physically isolated from the material outside environment.

The structure has huge four functional areas.  The "boimes" building housed the three ecosystems; rain forest to produce oxygen, ocean for processing water, and desert for (??).

An agricultural area where crops were grown and livestock was raised.  (This area has been re-purposed and so no photos.)

A research and living center.
The Kitchen

And the 2.5 acre equipment level where conventional and experimental machinery moved air around the facility and recycled water and waste products.

A special note about the "lung".  Since the system was air tight, to accommodate expansion and contraction of the air in the facility, a 180 foot diameter, rubber roofed dome inflated and deflated as needed.

 After the first two year experiment was completed, the entire facility was re-purposed as a research center to study the effects of climate change by micro managing the climate inside the structure.

Epiphany might be a bit of an over statement, but to be sure, I walked away with a new appreciation for the efforts made here in the area of pure science.

As a bit of point-counterpoint, the travel for the remainder of the day took us through more spectacular desert landscape, followed by a drive-by of a cooper mine that has eaten whole mountains of that landscape.

The price of progress is extremely high

Good night from Houston Mesa Campground, central Arizona.

Brad and Val

1 comment:

  1. Very cool stop. It's basically a large version of the FunMobile! Altho I bet your snacks are better.
