Sunday, April 24, 2016


24 April - Monastery of Christ in the Desert

Today being Sunday, I took Val to a monastary located in red-rock country north of Abiquiu.  Their driveway is dirt and 13 miles long. (Note they are Benedictine Monks)

But well worth the drive.

We also had to pick up the obligatory souvenir rock from the Chama River.  (And I don't have a picture of the souvenir cactus that she didn't dig up.) 

After the 2 hour journey to church, we crossed over the mountains headed for the Taos area.

Then down to the bottom of the Rio Grande lava gorge at Orillio Verde .

Where we will spend the night before heading for home. (boo-hoo).

Good night from Orillia Verde

Brad and Val


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Abbey Church is truly inspirational! Check out their website when you get a chance. Hmmm... can Dominic get brownie points with his Benet religion teacher since his grandparents went to a Benedictine monastery on vacation?

    1. If I were his teacher, I'd give him brownie points. But then I'm not very objective.
