Monday, April 18, 2016

(music) Do You Know The Way To Santa Fe.. (music)

18 April - OK, its "San Jose" not "Santa Fe", but what's a thousand miles amoungst friends.

It being one of Jim and Ann Helt's favorite stompin grounds, we we had lots of good suggestions for things to see and do.  "We" decided on the Canyon Road gallery district and visited almost ALL of its 237 or so  art galleries.  The weather offered a little something for everyone, sun, clouds, rain, snow....   

At 3 out of 4 stops the the conversations went something like:

   Them, "Hi,were you from?"

   Me, "Hi Chicago area."

   Them, "I hear it was sunny and 80-something there yesterday."

   Me, "#$&%*!#@"

   Them, "Potty mouth!"

A New Mexico moose for Vanessa

Wouldn't this look GREAT in the garden?
Actually I kinda enjoyed the galleries.  Some really creative stuff and certainly some really interesting off-beat staff.  But who has $20-30,000 bucks to spend on a painting that you would have to build a $5,0000,000 house to hold?

Our second horizon to horizon rain(snow)bow of the trip.
Good night from Cochiti

Brad and Val

Note - Val is sitting over on the other side of the Funmobile snickering at something she got from Jill on Facebook.  Wonder what it is?  (Think... snoot boot.)


  1. It was 85 here today! Pretty bad when the people left at home get in the good gloats. But rainbows are nice too!

  2. Well... if it makes you feel any better... we spent half the weekend and all night tonight cleaning the garage. And tomorrow comes the cool spring rains.
