Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Trip Finale

26-27 April    SE Colorado to Downers Grove

The weather report we picked up on the evening of the 25th was dreary to say the least, with a huge green, yellow and red splotch situated directly between where we were and St. Louis (which was the way we were planning on going).

On the morning of the 26th, the splotch was still there as well as another one converging from north-central Colorado.

Since we couldn't go straight East we decided to go cross-country to the northeast bypassing I 70 and trying to make it to I-80 before the two storm centers joined up. It looked like we had a few hours opportunity to squeak between the two fronts.

Even I was embarrassed at the array of four GPS devices scattered across the front seat. Two used for tracking the storm fronts and two more tracking us, (the second of each category to be used in case the first failed - which of course they would).

The end of the story is we threaded the gap in time, (a-la The Tholian Web)...

However that only put us out in front of the storms instead of behind them.  Not sure which is better, chasing a storm, or having it chase you.

Anyhow, we made it to the campground in Western Iowa in time, with enough spare to get a shower before the rains caught up.  And by the time they did, it turned out to be much ado about nothing.

Only one small reminder remained that we are NOT REALLY in charge.

Good night from Downers Grove. We will pick up the story line when we get to Scotland in June.

Brad and Valerie

1 comment:

  1. Tholian Web? Nerd alert! Glad you made it out with the structural integrity of the U.S.S. FunMobile intact.
