Sunday, April 17, 2016

New Mexico Arrival

17 Apr - Arrived in New Mexico

A 3 long-day trip from Chicago finds us at Cochiti Lake just SW of Santa Fe.  After having crossed the Texas panhandle, arrival in Toledo would have been just about as acceptable.

But I'm glad it was NM instead.  The first "stop" was Tucumcari NM, being famous only (as far as I can tell) for being the first town encountered after crossing from Texas into New Mexico.  In all fairness, old Route 66 runs through the center of town, which is filled with 1940-50's vintage motels, diners, gas stations, most of which seem to have been abandonded.  Sorry, no pictures because we were in a hurry to leave so we could get to Santa Rosa (the second town) after crossing from Texas into New Mexico.

HOWEVER, Santa Rosa did have something of interest to me.  A big cave.  Unfortunately it is filled with    water, hence the name "The Blue Hole", 300 and some feet deep.

It looked challenging so I decided to give cave diving a try.

After finishing being an obnoxious tourist, we trundled down the road to Cochiti Lake where I now sit typing the blog.  

The main purpose of this short notice trip was to escape the miserable cold rainy spring we were having in Chicago.......where it is now 80 degrees and sunny while here it is a cold rainy 52 dropping to 33 tonight.

But we're still having fun!

Brad & Val

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