Saturday, June 3, 2017

Saturday 3 June - Redaction

Just read over yesterday's post and decided it was WAY too negative and sarcastic for the first day of the trip.  (Maybe OK for later.)  So I'm officially redacting anything political, offensive, off color, or factually incorrect.  All else remains as I'm too lazy to re-do the entire post.

As for today,still transiting the Great mid-west and made it as far as eastern Colorado (North Sterling State Park to be exact.)  Actually just a large reservoir in the rolling Colorado grass lands.

Did see a bunch of pelicans taking the garbage to the dumpster.  (I was taking the garbage, not the pelicans.)  Didn't have my camera since typically, dumpsters are not particularly photogenic.  Too bad.

Goodnight from Sterling State Colorado.


  1. I thought you would redact the bushy eyebrow comment too!!! We like to call her Brooke Shields :)

  2. That was supposed to be a compliment!

  3. Scott says to tell her never to pluck her eyebrows because drawn-in brows are weird. So there you go, from the fashion police.
