Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday 6 June - Hit the Slopes

Today was a travel day from Gunnison south on Utah 145  to Telluride and on to Mesa Verde on a road that is new to us.  Highly recommended for some nice mountain scenery and a lunch stop in Telluride, an 1880's gold/silver mining town turned ski destination.  Nice upscale but earthy shopping and food surrounded by the San Juan Mountains.
Approaching Telluride

Resident Teluride Elk Herd
Not looking forward to the ride out of the valley.

An early evening stop at the Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde.
There's one of these shots in a post a couple of years back.

A VERY unflattering accidental selfie.
Mesa Verde was just a quickie stop to pick up Cliff Palace tour tickets for The Loffredi's when they show up in a couple of days. But by then we'll be on our way to Salt Lake City to P/U Jess. Ultimately the plan is for everyone to hook up in Bullfrog UT where we start the houseboat trip.

Good night from Mesa Verde Campground

Brad and Val

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