Thursday, March 20, 2014

Across the 'Glades

Got up bright and early after the night at the casino and arrived at Shark Valley by 9:30;  There are no sharks, but there are a ZILLION alligators here.

OK - You get the point

The bike trail is 15 miles round trip out through the marsh to an observation tower where you are greeted by a flock of crows who are busily unzipping the bike packs on those who've arrived earlier.  It quickly becomes obvious why a group of crows is called a "murder" of crows.  They are indeed sinister little beasts.

A ranger in the area tells the story of the crows stealing the car keys from a bike pack and dropping them just on the other side of the little canal along which you've just seen the previously mentioned zillion alligators.  (Decisions..decisions?)

Val takes her pack with her for the short walk to the observation deck.  I , on the other hand know I can outwit the little buggers.  I carefully tuck all the zipper tabs inside the compartments as I pull them shut,  (after removing anything I can't live without).  I then wrap a bungee cord around the whole pack for good measure.

I step away from the bike a few feet and it is immediately swarmed by 3 bandits.  I watch them carefully as they watch me derisively.  They poke a bit but I'm convinced of my superiority and wander off to the join Val who is just rolling her eyes.  (At them or me?)

View From The Tower

After the climb to the top of the tower, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (one of the items I figured I couldn't live without), we returned with some apprehension to the bike rack.  With a smug look to Val I proclaimed victory as I proceeded to clean several piles of bird-shit off the securely closed bike pack.

She smiles ever-so-slightly.

Good night from Chokoloskee Island, Everglades City, Florida

Brad & Val

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