Wednesday, March 12, 2014

UH - What Day Is It

Well, time does fly when you're having fun.  We're six days down the road from DC and no posts since then. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so pictures it will be.  (With occasional acerbic comments where warranted.)

First, a note on retirement.  Got a call last week from the guy who owned the company I used to work for and who sold it to the present owners for $350 mil cash. (Public information.)  He asked if I wanted to go back to work for his holding company that is managing the investment of that $350 mil to help with their accounting software implementation.  I did the quick math comparing what I would get on an hourly basis with what a divorce attorney would charge  .....  and said no.

Friday the 7th 

A travel day, the first task being to figure out how to get out of Metro DC.  Val driving and me navigating, the worst looking obstacle, the I-395/495/95 interchange, (AKA Medusa below)

Its a wonder we didn't end up in New Hampshire
Actually, it wasn't too bad since we were doing a straight through and after that it was easy.  Just stay on I-95 until the temp got to 60.  (We set the bar pretty low.)

Got to Myrtle beach by about 7 pm and hotel'd it one more night since the Funmobile had not been de-winterized yet, (i.e. no water or sanitary facilities 'cause everything would freeze).

Saturday the 8th

A short hop down the road to Huntington Beach State Park where we stayed on our trip down the coast a few years back.  Temps in the 50's - 60's.  not tropical, but better than home and warm enough for the aforementioned de-winterizing.  After chores we got a walk on the beach and the back-dunes.

Beach Bum

Tree Hugger
Sunday the 9th

 Nice day in the low 70's.  Road bikes to Brookgreen Gardens.  The dream project of a starving artist who married a REALLY rich guy who bought three defunct southern plantations so she could turn them into a humongous sculpture garden.  Very cool place actually.

Plantation House Gone - Trees Still There

Feeding Time At The Aviary
Monday the 10th

Down the road a ways to the Hampton Plantation.  A long history from 1730 to the end of the Civil War as a rice plantation, when it went belly up.  Then to share-croppers until the mid 1930's when a descendant moved back in,  He eventually sold it to the State of SC for a park.  

Wishful Thinking

Soooo... Big

Swamp walk on the Grounds

Things That Live On the Swamp Walk

Tuesday the 11th

Another travel day down the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. Destination Little Talbot Island Florida (near Jacksonville).  The only excitement being a low tire pressure warning that both back tires had 1 psi pressure.  Since we weren't in a ditch, I figured it was a technology failure.  (A regular occurrence around some people we know.)

Wednesday the 12th - Little Talbot Island SP

Road bikes and walked on beach  -  Its Florida, what would you expect?

Too Crowded

Frog In Drinking Fountain  (Dirty Feet)

And Good Night From Little Talbot Island

Brad & Val


  1. Funny how your opening beach bum pic is nearly identical to the closing beach bum pic. Subtract the dune grass, add some sun bleached tree trunks! Happy travels : )

    1. A beach bum is a beach bum. There's only minor variants to the theme.

  2. Are you carrying your 6-pack of Fix-A-Flat?

    Yay you for resisting the call of the working world! ...What makes me think it wasn't that hard? ;)

    1. Harder than you think. The Smaug effect is VERY strong.
