Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little Talbot Island SP - Day 2

First a point of order.  The last post covering several days got confusing because of the way blog posts,  (noun), post, (verb).  So if one views yesterday's post the same time as today's, the sequentiality (not a real word), looks all out of whack.

So  -  New RULE.  Only one day per post.  If nothing happened on a given day, save electrons and don't post anything.

Ok, back to today, (actually several days ago since I'm back-dating this post which isn't technically breaking the aforementioned rule).  Hopefully nobody is even reading this so they won't think I gone completely senile.

Took a ride to the Kingsley Plantation a few miles south of Talbot SP.  It was established in the early 1700's as a cotton plantation during the period when Florida was under Spanish rule.  The interesting part was the juxtaposition of 18th century Spanish slavery vs 19th century American slavery.  At least from the non-slave point of view.  (I guess if you were the slave, then it probably wasn't all that different.)

I originally wrote a narrative paragraph on the issues, but after reading it, I even bored myself.  Worth Googling if you're interested in that period.

Nice hiking around the plantation grounds.  Lots of live oak and Spanish moss.





(Ha Ha 56 feet)

Goodnight From Little Talbot Island

Brad & Val

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