Sunday, March 23, 2014

Family Time

Spending a couple of days at Judie and Fred's in Bonita Springs.  Relative luxury compared to the Funmobile, with separate bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, shower, dining room and indoor pool.  We have all those things when living in the Funmobile too, just all in the same room.  (Except the pool which is usually across the street and full of alligators.)

For anyone who hasn't been to Judie's,  it's really nice.  A beautiful setting with lots of tropical plantings and designed to attract local wildlife, (birds, frogs, butterflies, hurricanes, etc.)

Not too shabby gettin' up in the morning and drinking your coffee overlooking the ibis' poking around under the banana tree.  One could get used to that.

Now Judie is a big-time birder.  I'm talking someone who would (and just did) spend a week travelling to all four corners of Colorado attempting to sight every known species of prairie chicken.  (To be fair, I'm sure she considers me a bit nuts for spending a month or more at a time living in a box with wheels.)

That said, taking a walk in the woods with her is and experience of another dimension.  She can see, hear and identify birds that I would never find, and even if I saw them, wouldn't have a clue what they were other than "white bird with long legs".

So that's what we did on Saturday, hopping over the gators on the trail, and on Sunday we walked around the island that is owned by the community association  where they live.  

OK - LISTEN UP!  That was a snowy footed, indigo fly catcher.

Just kidding.  It was only a robin.

He WASN'T there when we came out this way!

Good dinners and sitting around swapping travel stories. (Judie is well traveled to say the least, with several continents of birding under her belt.)

Several loads of laundry done, and we we are on our way Monday morning.

Thanks to J & F for the hospitality and Good Night from Bonita Springs.

Brad & Val

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