Monday, March 3, 2014


Morning view from the hotel room 

Well, much a-do about nothing.  Snowed all morning but petered out by mid afternoon.  Total snowfall  was about 3" - 4".  

All government offices were closed for the day.  Let's see now  ...  there are about 600,000 direct government employees not counting lobbyists and other parasites, (but including politicians, who some might consider parasites), at an average wage of $78,000 per year.  That comes to  $ 128,219,178.08 productivity loss for a single snow day.

{Maybe if you net that against the amount of money Congress would have wasted had they been in session, we might have come out ahead.}

From the looks of the above picture, everybody else took a day too.  Except for the mailman.  Bless him for performing his appointed rounds delivering bills and junk mail to all those who decided to take the day off.

Hung around the hotel room reading, checking email and surfin' the internet.  Took a local walk in the afternoon, but the 15 degree temps and 15 mph wind kept that pretty short.

Tomorrow  -  Off to the National Museum of the American Indian and the Botanical Gardens.

Good night from Arlington VA

Brad & Val

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