Monday, June 26, 2017

23-26 June - Sea To Shining Sea

We made it to the Pacific Ocean on southern coast of Oregon where Scott met us for a 3-day weekend.  Some nice hikes, GREAT gumbo (courtesy of our honorary Cajun) and some "lively" socio-political conversation with our favorite residents of the Peoples Republic of Oregon.

That was Jessica, not me!

The crowds were ridiculous!

You DO know they have tides here, RIGHT?

STILL no room in the Funmobile.

Thats a LOT of  bird $%#$!!.

A sea enema (or whatever).

NOPE - It wasn't me....

At the end of the 3-day visit, Scott and Jess head back to their responsible lives and Val and I become empty-nesters, resuming our normal schedule of 10 am start times.

Tomorrow we head up the coast for another couple of days and then over to Salem Oregon to recon a potential retirement home.

Good night from the Oregon Coast

Brad And Val

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