Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Death March to Forillon Point Lighthouse


Looks Like A Porpoise?

Today's objective is to recreate the historic DEATH MARCH TO FORILLON LIGHTHOUSE.  For those who've never heard of that event, it took place in this exact same spot some 25 (+/-) years ago on a fiercely hot, sunny day in late July.

Participating were yours truly, Valerie, and two mid-teen aged daughters, (not attending the reenactment),  both of whom would rather have been ANYPLACE but at this God Forsaken ends of the earth.  I would like to say they toughed out without complaint, but that would not be entirely accurate.  "Open Revolt" might be a better description.

Urged on by the promise of whales and the now time honored response of "..just over the next hill and around the next bend...", both made it to the end.  There were NO whales, and it certainly was more than one more hill and bend.  A father's credibility was destroyed in the course of that afternoon.

(No lie - it WAS a

Wonderfully, the original gravel road has now been mostly replaced by a beautiful trail and 25 years of tree growth and high 60's temps have significantly improved the experience.

Stairs To The Beach (Ha Ha)

Porky #2 of 6

This part of the "trail" has NOT changed.

Nor has the view from the top.
I would also add that this piece of trail was added to the American end of the Appalachian Trail and dubbed as the Sentiers International des Appalaches (International Appalachian Trail).  So technically, we have walked to the end of the Appalachian Trail and back.

Since we finished up by mid-afternoon we decided to drive to the north side of the park to check it out.  We were told that moose were often seen on the drive at dusk, so we hiked a beach for a while and then parked at a lighthouse overlook for dinner to kill time.  Unfortunately, since I forgot to turn the headlights off, we also killed the battery.  Oh well, I'll get my money's worth out of the RV Road Repair Service I subscribed to.

The tiny dots in the background are seal heads.
It was a little creepy having them eye-ballin' you.
Sorta like JAWS with flippers.
Dinner VIEW at the "Lights Out" Roadside Restaurant

So it was a little late to see moose on the drive back unless it was as it crashed through the windshield.

Goodnight From Forillon Day 2

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