Friday, August 16, 2013

Over the Border

The 15th and 16th were travel days from Acadia to Fundy National Park in New Brunswick.  Some good hikes, some awesome views, just what you'd want for a vacation.

A few comments and observations on the transition to Canada.

First, the border crossing. As pass the US Customs center on the other side of the highway you immediately notice about six lanes.  Each is lined with an imposing array of sensors, presumably for explosives, drugs, bio-bad stuff, radiation, oranges, bananas, etc.  Contrasting with the Canadian Customs side with a couple of booths, and a pleasant agent - "name, address, cigs, alcohol, ? - Have a nice day."  I guess nobody wants to destroy Canada.  (except maybe the Quebec'ers)

Metric vs English  -  I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a couple of tickets before we leave Canada.  110 is pretty cool fro getting some place fast  -  like jail.  Of course nothing matches evenly on km vs mph.  Hopefuly they don't split hairs because the km markings on the speedo are grey on black.  Following the flow of traffic doesn't work because drivers range from 10 km under, to the speed of light.  Ho-hum, I'll just plead ignorance and be pretty convincing.

Lastly, I won't even comment on Imperial Gallons.

Oh - and I almost forgot the flat tire in the middle of nowhere.  Forty km's from the nearest town.  Only one establishment in sight and it was an ice cream stand.  What luck!  Called the RV Road Assist Service we subscribe to and they had a truck there before I could finish the second cone.

Following is an assortment of pics along the way.

Good Night From Fundy National Park

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