Friday, August 9, 2013

The Continuing Saga (Eh?)

We're off an running again!  However, before we start we must all congratulate Ann and Jim Helt for finally taking the BIG LEAP into retirement.  Jim actually did it cold turkey.  A gutsy move which I would never have been able to do.  (Actually, I'm pretty close and should  be completely professionally redundant by the end of the year.)  But anyway, congrats again.

So we commenced the summer trip as of Wednesday morning 8/7/2013 with an itinerary per below, the most distant objective being the tip of Nova Scotia, ("New Scotland").  Since my ancestry is at least part Scotch-Irish on my father's side I feel I'm returning to my roots.  Not as exciting as Kunta Kinte so you'll have to settle for a blog instead of a novel and screenplay.

Everything up through the Bay Of Fundy is pretty well locked in.  Beyond that, the Quebec stops are tentative.  (How do you say "Eh" in French?)  

On the road with our charming grand-children.
It's already Friday night so as usual, I'm a few days behind.  However it's not my fault this time as the first two days were consumed with the madness of trying to keep up with a 10 and 13 year-old while camping at Turkey Run.  Their 3X year old mother is no slouch either.  And we all know Valerie don't  let no moss grow under those feet.

Kind of a short tent don'cha think?

I would add that this trip was preceded by a whirlwind visit from world renowned porn  paranormal romance author Jessa Slade.  Anderson's may never be the same.  We dropped her off at the airport on the way out of town to Turkey Run.

If anyone reading this has not been to Turkey Run State Park in Indiana, we would highly recommend it.  Unlike the stereotypical image of Indiana as a compilation of corn, goats, rednecks and fireworks stands,  TR is a beautiful series of stream-fed ravines covered in ferns, mosses and surrounded by old-growth forest.  There is a quaint old inn there as well as a pool and a bunch of other activities.

NO WAY am I putting MY feet in that cold water!!
A VERY cool place.

Today, (Friday) Kevin picked up Blaine and the munchkins and Val and I are off to ..... AKRON????...  That's only because Akron just fell into place for the first evening out of TR.  Actually we didn't make it to Akron.  Road construction forced us onto the back roads where we encountered a wreck that had all lanes of the back road blocked as well.  Therein lies the wonder of retirement.  If the plan doesn't go as planned, jump to plan B.  If plan B also goes to hell, sit back and enjoy the corn, goats, rednecks and fireworks stands.

no caption necessary

More To Come

Brad & Val

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