Monday, August 12, 2013

Go East Old Man - Go East

(Horace Greeley was born in yesterday's stop of Amhurst NH)

Our goal today was to reach Acadia National Park by nightfall.  Tha plan was endangered by the
failure of the Funmobile's auxiliariy batteries, which among other things, run the much beloved
coffee maker.  But not to worry.  some things I'll just write off to bad karma, and do without.
but the coffee maker is not one of those things.  In a couple of hours, replacement batteries were
located and installed,the 1st cuppa coffee was had and we were on our way.

The road from Amhurst to Acadia takes you up the coast of Maine past Kennibunkport, (we didn't
drop in for brunch), to Bath ME, (birthplace of my USN alma mater, the USS Brinkley Bass), and
then through numerous small seaport towns with names like Passemequaknick,Omenauwatunut, etc.
(Politically correct acknowledgement of the Indians that were chased out 400 years ago I suppose.)

Along that route, Valerie miraculously produced a small brochure and announces, "Do you know how many quilt shops there are between Bath Maine and Acadia National Park?"  I fired back the only possible response of, "No Dear, but lets try to visit them all!"

MUCH later in the evening we arrived at our planned overnight stop of Lamoine State Park from which we would launch our 3-day visit to Acadia National Park.

Good Night From Lamoine

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