Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Better Day

Thursday 14 May 2015

First, let me say thank you to those who provided kind and sympathetic thoughts on yesterday's loss, and to those who were less kind, and simply pathetic, pffffft!

In any case, the rumor of the passing of the beloved Kueirig, as it turns out, was greatly exaggerated.  Deep coma perhaps, but not dead yet.

Last night before going to bed, I performed the equivalent of a artherectomy, (WARNING - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME), by inserting a bread wrapper twisty-tie into the hot water dispensing nozzle and swirling it around a number of times.  Then this morning I fired it up and the most amazing glunk came spewing out along with the water.

Tomorrow morning we will determine if it was a resurrection or just a final death spasm.

Today we traveled a few miles up the road from the main Hovenweep site to visit a less developed Painted Hand Pueblo.  The last couple of miles was not suitable for the Funmobile so we walked in.

Lookin a little iffy on the weather front.

Are you starting to see a theme here?

The Watch Tower
(So much for the peaceful nomad persona.)

What goes down must go back up.
After hiking back, we head into town (another 42 miles) to visit the Anasazi Heritage Center, which I'd highly recommend if you are ever passing through Dolores Colorado.

We're back in Hovenweep CG tonight.  Tomorrow is dependent wholly on the weather.  We'll see what the morning brings.  Hopefully coffee.

Good night.

Brad and Val

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, the watchtower bricks would've been perfect for my front retaining wall. And now that Mom is all tough and scrappy from bushwacking, I'll put her to work when she comes to town. Glad to hear the coffee is burbling again...for now.
